25 Sep

Are you or a loved one suffering from the agonizing pain of kidney stones? If you live in Dubai, you are in luck because there are now great options for kidney stone or urinary stones treatment in Dubai. Let’s have a look at the different ways to treat kidney stones and give you the information you need to choose the best course of action. 

Getting to Know Kidney Stones

Let us first understand what kidney stones are. These are solid, crystalline masses that can develop in the kidneys; they can also develop anywhere in the urinary tract. They can be as small as a sand grain or as big as a golf ball, and they can be highly painful. Symptoms include blood in urine, sharp pain starts in your flank to lower abdomen, burning pain while peeing and even urine might become cloudy or smell badly. If you experienced any of these symptoms contact us 

Treatment of the stones in the urinary tract :

Treatment of stones consists of two phases. First we have to take the stone out and then we look to underlying the metabolic factors to be corrected to prevent stone recurrence

Getting rid of stones along the urinary tract:

As mentioned we must remove the stone upfront before taking any measures to prevent recurrent stone formation. Different methods are available to deal with stones, depending on stone size, location, type and its effect we select the best option that suits your case. We are inclined to choose the method that is less invasive and most effective at the same time. Timing of intervention might be immediate or deferred depending on the current effect of the stone on the urinary tract.

Methods of stones removal

Historical method: Kidney Stone Surgery

Decades ago, Kidney stone surgery in Dubai has been the standard treatment for kidney stones for a long time. In this procedure, to access the kidney or urinary tract stones, an incision is made from the skin down to the kidney, where stone is located and removed. Surgery can have a longer recovery period, but it is effective. This method is not used nowadays, thanks to the advanced technologies to reach and break the stone. CT imaging of the urinary tract is the best method to give the full data required to decide the treatment option that is the best for your case. 

The shock waves lithotripsy Revolution: lithotripsy treatment for Kidney Stones

The shock waves lithotripsy treatment for kidney stones in Dubai is one of the most important advancements in urinary stone treatment over the years in medical science. In this option , there is no incision at all and nothing will go inside your body, as we apply the shock waves from a machine totally outside the body and these waves able to reach the stone and burst it into small pieces that then pass with urine. During the procedure you will be asleep and afterwards you go home within few hours


Endoscopy is the and tubes with lens and channels by which we can reach the stone and burst it using laser technology.  The accuracy and speedy recovery of this minimally invasive procedure have made it popular. Here's How It Works: Your doctor will use advanced imaging techniques to point out the size and location of the urinary stone during this stage. Next, through a tiny tube called a ureteroscope, a tiny laser fiber is inserted into the urinary tract. The stone is then broken into smaller, easier-to-handle pieces using the laser. Once the stone has been fragmented, it can be easily removed or naturally eliminated through urination.

Why Choose endoscopic Treatment?

It Is Minimally Invasive:

During this process, smaller incisions or no incisions are made at all, which results in less pain and a quicker recovery. 

It Is Precise:

Laser therapy allows precise targeting of the stone, reducing the chance of any harm to neighboring tissues. 

There Are Reduced Complications:

When compared to surgery, laser treatment has a significantly lower risk of complications. 

Shorter Hospital Stay:

Patients can usually leave the hospital the same day or after a short stay. 


After treatment, your doctor might suggest you to make some dietary and lifestyle changes to stop the development of new stones. Generally, good hydration and reducing salt intake in addition to special medications are advised. You have access to the most advanced medical facilities that use modern procedures for treatment of kidney stones in Dubai. Your unique situation will determine whether laser therapy or surgery is the best course of action, so it is important to speak with a urologist about your options.

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